My stomach is in knots. Lots and lots of tiny, hard, jittery little knots that make me feel a tad bit sick. Pretty sure it wasn't my lunch (I just bought that yogurt today!), but I suppose you never know. Nope, pretty sure it has absolutely nothing to do with my lunch at all.
I recently got back from my honeymoon. We had our wedding back in July, but waited until December 27th to depart on our little adventure. Fifteen days in Spain is how we decided to celebrate our nuptuals. Quite lovely I'd say, especially when you don't think about the steep exchange rate, gross (not to mention grossly overpriced) food, boredom (mind you we weren't bored all the time, hehehe), and the food poisoning. Honestly, minus all those aspects we had the most beautiful time! Alas, I'm pretty sure it's not my return from Spain that is causing the rapid fluttering of my insides.
In fact, I happen to know exactly what it is that is causing those dirty little gnomes of nausea to dance joyfully upon my stomach; I quit my 'day job'. Yep, no more steady (albeit meager) paychecks for me. A full-fledged entrepreneur is I. An artist and a business owner. An unstoppable one woman show, ready to take on the world and make it my *&#@$. A very nervous, very scared, extremely excited, rather happy young (please tell me 29 is still young??) woman embarking on one of the most enriching journeys that life has to offer: Following Your Dream.